17. dec. 2018, kl. 8.30-17.00 CAM-CEBI Workshop 2018 This years CAM-CEBI Workshop will take place on 17 December
5. okt. 2018, kl. 16.00-17.30 Book release: Economics for the Common Good, Jean Tirole A public meeting to celebrate the recent release of Economics for the Common Good, Princeton University Press, by Jean Tirole, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics.
4. okt. - 5. okt. 2018 International Workshop: Frontiers in Climate Change Economics International workshop on directed technical change and climate policy, international aspects of the economics of climate change and climate policy, tipping points, and fundamental uncertainty.
30. aug. - 31. aug. 2018 Workshop on New Consumption Data The workshop is arranged by Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) and will take place from 30th. to 31st. August 2018 at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
27. juni - 28. juni 2018 Workshop on Endogenous Institutions in Social Dilemmas Arranged by Thomas Markussen. Keynote speakers are Louis Putterman from Brown University and Arno Riedl from Maastricht University.
21. juni - 22. juni 2018 CEPR Annual Public Economics Symposium 2018 The Symposium will take place on 21-22 June 2018, and will be hosted by CEBI at the University of Copenhagen
5. marts - 6. marts 2018 Zeuthen Lectures 2018 Zeuthen Lectures 2018: Markus K. Brunnermeier: "The International Financial and Monetary Architecture"