9. dec. 2020, kl. 9.00-16.00 Applied Economics Virtual End-of-Semester Workshop 2020 Applied Economics Virtual End-of-Semester Workshop 2020 - arranged by the Department of Economics
19. nov. 2020, kl. 14.00-18.00 Women in Economics – Status quo and ways forward Event organized by the network WinE-DK Women in Economics Denmark.
8. okt. 2020 DFI Annual Conference 2020 The Danish Finance Institute will host its third annual conference on Thursday October 8, 2020 at the University of Copenhagen.
3. sept. - 4. sept. 2020 Third Conference on New Consumption Data The goal of the conference is to bring people interested in the topic together to present new research using these new data and methods to measure spending, discuss pros and cons and exchange best practices, etc.
25. juni - 26. juni 2020 Workshop on Subjective Beliefs in Macroeconomics and Household Finance. CANCELLED Expectations about the future play a central role in any model of decision-making under uncertainty, and are of particular importance in modern macroeconomics and household finance.
18. juni 2020, kl. 12.25-15.30 EPRN konference, 2020 Dette års Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) konference "COVID-19: Økonomiske konsekvenser og politiktiltag" afholdes torsdag den 18. juni, 2020. Konferencen vil blive afholdt som Webinar
16. juni 2020, kl. 9.15-12.00 Webinar: model-based evaluation of scenarios for reopening Denmark The expert group for mathematical modelling of COVID-19 invites you to attend a webinar on Tuesday the 16th June 2020 from 9.15-12.00.
12. febr. 2020, kl. 14.30-17.00 The hidden history of Burma Public lecture at University of Copenhagen by Thant Myint-U on his book ‘The hidden history of Burma: Race, Capitalism, and the Crisis of Democracy in the 21st Century.