27. okt. - 28. okt. 2017
23. sept. 2016,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University
19. dec. 2014,
kl. 10.00-11.00
EPRN Policy Seminar om indretning af dagpengesystemet v. professor og vismand Michael Svarer
12. dec. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Joel Slemrod, University of Michigan: "Does Credit-Card Information reporting improve small-Business Tax Compliance?"
5. dec. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Fernando Broner, CREI: "Rethinking the Effects of Financial Liberalization"
21. nov. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Janne Tukiainen, Government Institute for Economic Research: "Does Regression Discontinuity Design Work? Evidence from Random Election Outcomes"
7. nov. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Jesper Pedersen, Nationalbanken
31. okt. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
John Rust, Georgetown University: "Timber Cycles"
24. okt. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Dirk Niepelt, Study Center Gerzensee
10. okt. 2014,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Albrecht Glitz, Pompeu Fabra
26. sept. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Tommy Sveen, Norwegian Business School
19. sept. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Michael Bergman, University of Copenhagen
12. sept. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Jakob Egholt Søgaard, University of Copenhagen
29. juli 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Agustin Casas, Universidad Carlos III: "Who monitors the monitors? Effect of party observers on electoral outcomes"
6. juni 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Valerie Smeets, University of Aarhus: "Rethinking Deindustrialization"
23. maj 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Nadja Dwenger, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
2. maj 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Ethan Ilzetski, London School of Economics: "TBA"
30. april 2014,
kl. 2.00-3.15
Tommaso Nannicini, Bocconi University
14. marts 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Juan Carluccio, Banque de France
28. febr. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Christian Heebøll-Christensen, KRAKA
21. febr. 2014,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Morten Olsen, IESE Business School,i Barcelona: "The Rise of the Machines: Automation, Horizontal Innovation and Income Inequality"
24. jan. 2014,
kl. 1.00
Shlomo Yitzhaki, Hebrew University
13. dec. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Christian Søgaard, Warwick University
6. dec. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Søren Hove Ravn, Nationalbanken
15. nov. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Louise Charlotte Willerslev-Olsen, University of Copenhagen: "WORK IN PROGRESS"
1. nov. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Martin Gonzalez-Eiras, University of Copenhagen: "Credit Cycles with Renegotiation"
11. okt. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Niels Johannsen, University of Copenhagen: "Can Taxes Tame the Banks? Evidence from the European Bank Levies"
4. okt. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Nikolaj Harmon, Department of Economics
2. okt. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Martin Rossi, Universidad de San Andres: "First-Day Criminal Recidivism"
13. sept. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Thomas Epper, University of Zurich
6. sept. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Jeanet Bentzen: "Origins of Religiousness: The Role of Natural Disasters"
21. juni 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Nina Boberg-Fazlic, University of Copenhagen: "North and South: Social Mobility and Welfare Spending in Preindustrial England"
28. maj 2013,
kl. 2.30-3.45
Jennifer Poole, UC Santa Cruz: "Trade and Labor Reallocation with Heterogeneous Enforcement of Labor Regulations"
17. maj 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Martin Jacob, Otto Beisheim School of Management: "The effect of awareness and incentives on tax evasion"
3. maj 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Christian Traxler, University of Marburg
19. april 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Masako Ikefuji, University of Southern Denmark: "Economics meets statistics: Expected utility and catastrophic risk"
16. april 2013,
kl. 1.30-2.45
Robert Z. Aliber, University of Chicago
12. april 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Mario Amore, University of Bocconi: "Corporate governance and the environment: Evidence from green innovations"
5. april 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Simon H Boserup, University of Copenhagen
22. marts 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Gabriel Zucman
1. febr. 2013,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Paul Bingley, SFI: "Alike in Many Ways: Intergenerational and Sibling Correlations of Brothers’ Earnings"
7. dec. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Johannes Lindvall, Lunds Universitet: "The Origins of primary Education Regimes"
30. nov. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Michael Bang Petersen, Aarhus University: "The Ancestral Logic of Politics: Biological Evolution and Political Decisions"
23. nov. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Katarina Juselius, University of Copenhagen: "Balance sheet recessions and time-varying coefficients in a Phillips curve relationship: An application to Finnish data"
16. nov. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Christian Gormsen, Paris School of Economics: "Diasporas and Foreign Direct Investments"
9. nov. 2012,
kl. 12.45
Miriam Gensowski, University of Chicago: "Personality, IQ, and Lifetime Earnings"
19. okt. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Karin Olofsdotter, University of Lund: "Markups and export-pricing strategies"
12. okt. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Anders Bruun Jonassen, SFI: "The Ins and Outs of Disincentive Effects of Social Assistance: An RD Approach with Panel Data"
5. okt. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Katariina Nilsson-Hakkala fra Government Institute for Economic Research: "Multinationals, Competition and Productivity Spillovers through Worker Mobility"
28. sept. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Paul Schweinzer, University of York: "Efficient Emissions Reduction in Redistributive Agreements"
21. sept. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Jeanet Bentzen, University of Copenhagen: "Irrigation and Autocracy"
7. sept. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Lukas Inderbitzin, University of St. Gallen
31. aug. 2012,
kl. 1.00-3.30
Tænketanken Kraka og forskningsnetværket EPRN indbyder alle interesserede til et fælles seminar om samfundsøkonomisk projektvurdering.
22. juni 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Ferdinand Rauch, London School of Economics: "The Division of Labor in U.S. Cities 1880-2000"
20. juni 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
James Robinson, Harvard University
7. juni 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Teodora Borota, Uppsala
1. juni 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Martin Gonzalez-Eiras, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Argentina: "Economic and Politico-Economic Equivalence of Fiscal Policies"
25. maj 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Peer Skov, Rockwoolfondens Forskningsenhed og Københavns Universitet: "Intertemporal Income Shifting and the Danish 2010 Tax Reform"
11. maj 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Martin Ljunge, University of Copenhagen: "Banfield or Wilson? Evidence on Family Ties and Civic Virtues"
27. april 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Michael Lovenheim, Cornell University
20. april 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Mette Ejrnæs, University of Copenhagen
19. april 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Andrea Ichino, Bologna University: "When the baby cries at night. Uninformed and hurried buyers in non-competitive markets"
13. april 2012,
kl. 12.00
Håkan Selin, Uppsala University: "Bunching and Non-Bunching at Kink Points of the Swedish Tax schedule"
30. marts 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Lars Lund, Copenhagen Business School: “Greenland’s macroeconomic situation”
23. marts 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Daniel Waldenström, Uppsala University
16. marts 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Thomas Jensen, University of Copenhagen: "National Responses to Transnational Terrorism: Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Provision"
9. marts 2012,
kl. 13.00-14.30
Jori Pinje, University of Copenhagen:
2. marts 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Marc Patrick Brag Klemp, University of Copenhagen: "The Child Quantity-Quality Trade-Off during the Industrial Revolution in England"
24. febr. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Paul Kramp, Nationalbanken: "Differences across countries in household wealth, debt and savings"
17. febr. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Martin Ljunge, University of Copenhagen: "Trust Issues: Evidence from Second Generation Immigrants"
10. febr. 2012,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Asger Moll Wingender, University of Copenhagen: "Skill Complementarity and the Dual Economy"
16. dec. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Alejandro Riano, University of Nottingham: "Maquiladoras and informality: a mixed blessing"
9. dec. 2011,
kl. 12.00
Sanne Hiller fra Århus Universitet: "Immigration and the Product Margins of International Trade"
2. dec. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen: "The End of Banking Secrecy? An Evaluation of the OECD Transparency Initiative"
25. nov. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Peter Birch Sørensen, University of Copenhagen: "Measuring the deadweight loss from taxation in a small open economy"
18. nov. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Fredrik Sjöholm fra Lunds Universitet: "Globalization and imperfect labor market sorting"
11. nov. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Nicolai Kaarsen, UCPH
28. okt. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Mette Foged, University of Copenhagen: "Wage Effects of International Return Migration"
14. okt. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Signe Krogstrup, Swiss National Bank
7. okt. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Juanna Joenson, Stockholm School of Economics
30. sept. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Kim Abildgren, Nationalbanken: EPRU Policy Seminar: "Realøkonomiske konsekvenser af finanskriser"
23. sept. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Kelly Ragan, Stockholm School of Economics: "How Powerful Was the Pill? Quantifying a Contraceptive Technology Shock"
14. sept. 2011,
kl. 1.30-3.00
Tibor Besedes: "Export Growth and Credit Constraints”
2. sept. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Gabriel Zucman, Paris School of Economics: "The Missing Wealth of Nations: are Europe and the U.S. Net Debtors or Net Creditors?"
14. juni 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Zwi Hercowitz, Tel-Aviv University
10. juni 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Richard Upward, University of Nottingham: "Quantity Restrictions and Price Adjustment of Chinese Textile Exports to the US"
27. maj 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Claus Bjørn Jørgensen, University of Copenhagen: ”Predicting Lotto Numbers”
29. april 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Clifford Winston, Brookings Institution: "Duopoly Equilibrium over Time"
15. april 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Christian Heebøll-Christensen, Københavns Universitet: "Financial Instability, Credit Cycles and Monetary Policy"
1. april 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Joachim Wehner, LSE
25. marts 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Robert Klemmensen, Syddansk Universitet: "Attitudes toward Immigration: The Role of Personal Predispositions"
11. marts 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen
4. marts 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Michael Bergman, University of Copenhagen: "Budget Consolidations in the Aftermath of a Financial Crisis:Lessons from the Swedish Budget Consolidation 1994–1997"
25. febr. 2011,
kl. 1.00
Michael Stimmelmayr, University of Münich: "Taxation of MNEs in the Presence of Internal Capital Markets"
28. jan. 2011,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Chiara Binelli, Nuffield College and Oxford University
10. dec. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Maria Knoth Humlum, Aarhus Universitet: "Timing of College Enrollment and Family Formation Decisions"
6. dec. 2010,
kl. 3.00-4.30
James M. Snyder, Jr., Harvard University: "Patronage and Elections in U.S. States"
26. nov. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Jesper Bagger, Royal Holloway, University of London: "Wage and Productivity Dispersion-the Roles of Labor Quality, Capital Intensity and Rent Sharing".
12. nov. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Boryana Madzharova, Charles University, CERGE-EI
15. okt. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Michael Svarer, Aarhus Universitet
8. okt. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Simon H. Boserup og Jori V. Pinje, University of Copenhagen: "Tax Evasion and Optimal Auditing in the Presence of Third-Party Information"
1. okt. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Jonathan Eaton, Penn State University: "Trade and the Global Recession"
24. sept. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Thomas Jensen, Department of Economics: "Exit Polls and Voter Turnout"
22. sept. 2010,
kl. 3.15-4.30
Christopher Dent, University of Leeds: "Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific"
17. sept. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Holger Strulik, University of Hannover: "Knowledge and Growth in the Very Long-Run"
10. sept. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen
18. juni 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.00
Peter Egger, ETH Zürich: "The Trade Effects of Endogenous Preferential Trade Agreements"
4. juni 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Pietro Peretto, Duke University: "Technology, Population and Resources: A Schumpeterian Theory of Take-off and Convergence to Sustained Growth"
21. maj 2010,
kl. 1.30-2.30
Mark Hallerberg, Hertie School of Governance
12. maj 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Yongseok Shin, University of Washington in St. Louis: "Finance and Development: A Tale of Two Sectors"
7. maj 2010,
kl. 11.00
Martin Gonzalez-Eiras, Universidad de San Andrés
28. april 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.15
John Karl Scholz, University of Wisconsin - Madison
23. april 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Caterina Mendicino, banco de Portugal
16. april 2010,
kl. 1.00
Jose Mauricio Prado,University of Cambridge and King's College: "Warfare, Fiscal Capacity, and Performance: An Empirical Investigation"
9. april 2010,
kl. 1.00
Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts: "Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis"
26. marts 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Salvatore Nistico, Università di Roma: "International Portfolio Allocation under Model Uncertainty"
19. marts 2010,
kl. 1.00
Nina Birberg- Fazlic, University of Copenhagen: TBA
12. marts 2010,
kl. 1.00
Jonathan Halket, University College London: "Home Ownership, Savings and Mobility Over The Life Cycle"
5. marts 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.30
Joel Slemrod, University of Michigan: "Car Notches"
26. febr. 2010,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University: "Does Religiosity Promote or Discourage Social Trust? Evidence from Cross-Country and Cross-State Comparisons"
19. febr. 2010,
kl. 1.00
Daniel Nguyen: "The Desire for Quality across Products and Destinations"
12. febr. 2010,
kl. 13.00
Zvi Hercowitz, Tel-Aviv University, Israel: "Liquidity Constraints of the Middle Class"
5. febr. 2010,
kl. 1.00
Lasse Holbøll Westh Nielsen & David Dreyer Lassen, University of Copenhagen: TBA
11. dec. 2009,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Georg Schaur, University of Tennessee
4. dec. 2009,
kl. 1.00
Peter Ejler Storgaard, Nationalbanken: "Wage Development in Denmark"
27. nov. 2009,
kl. 13.00
Jan Rose Skaksen, Copenhagen Business School: "Do Foreign Experts Increase the Productivity of Domestic Firms"
20. nov. 2009,
kl. 1.00
Frederic Warzynski, Aarhus School of Business
13. nov. 2009,
kl. 1.00
Martin Ljunge, University of Copenhagen: "Sick of the Welfare State? Lagged Stigma and Demand for Social Insurance"
6. nov. 2009,
kl. 1.00
Michael Bergman, University of Copenhagen: "Business Cycle Synchronization in Europe: Lessons from the Scandinavian Currency Union"
30. okt. 2009,
kl. 1.00
Lars Kunze, University of Dortmund: "Capital taxation and the long-run growth, and bequests"
16. okt. 2009,
kl. 1.00
Nicolai Kaarsen, University of Copenhagen: "Cross-Country Differences in the Quality of Human Capital"
23. sept. 2009,
kl. 1.15
Lars Calmfors, University of Stockholm
18. sept. 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Paolo Giordani, LUISS "Guido Carli" University, Rome
4. sept. 2009,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Mogens Fosgerau, DTU transport: "Random queues and risk averse users"
12. juni 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Hilary Hoynes, University of California, Davis: "Consumption Reponses to In-Kind Transfers: Evidence from the Introduction of the Food Stamp Program"
29. maj 2009,
kl. 1.00
Davide Sala, ASB, University of Aarhus: "Market Access through Bound Tariffs"
28. maj 2009,
kl. 1.00
Mattias Polborn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
26. maj 2009,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Bård Harstad, Kellogg School of management, Northwestern University: "The Dynamics of Climate Agreements"
15. maj 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Peter Katuscak, Charles University, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: "Effects of Predictable Tax Liability Variation on Household Labor Income"
7. maj 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Mark Gradstein, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
6. maj 2009,
kl. 1.00-2.15
John Roemer. Yale University
24. april 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Søren Leth-Petersen, University of Copenhagen
17. april 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Andrew Rose, University of California, Berkeley
3. april 2009,
kl. 1.00-2.15
Marko Koethenbuerger, University of Copenhagen
27. marts 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Etienne Lehmann, CREST: "Optimal income taxation with endogenous participation and search unemployment"
20. marts 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Niels Lynggaard, Danmarks Nationalbank & Michael Bergman, University og Copenhagen: "Pass-Through of Excise Taxes on Beverage Prices".
16. marts 2009,
kl. 1.00-3.00
Bruno De Borger, University of Antwerpen
13. marts 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen: "Tax Evasion and Foreign Bank Deposits – Evidence from a Natural Experiment".
6. marts 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Claus Thustrup Kreiner, University of Copenhagen: "An Experimental Evaluation of Tax Evasion and Tax Enforcement in Denmark"
27. febr. 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
David Dreyer Lassen, University of Copenhagen
13. febr. 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Jacob Weisdorf, University of Copenhagen
6. febr. 2009,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Emiliano Santoro, University of Copenhagen: "Bank Lending, Durable Goods and Spreads"
5. dec. 2008,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Maria Petrova, New Economic School, Moscow: "Newspapers and Parties: How Advertising Revenues Created an Independent Press”.
28. nov. 2008,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Omer Moav, Hebrew University and Royal Holloway University of London
21. nov. 2008,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Atef Qureshi, Arbejdsdirektoratet: "The Effect of Punitive Sanctions on the Transition rate from Welfare to Work -An empirical analysis of the Danish labour market".
7. nov. 2008,
kl. 13.00-14.15
NielsArne Dam, Nationalbanken
24. okt. 2008,
kl. 13.00
Søren Leth-Petersen, University of Copenhagen: “Intertemporal Consumption and Credit Constraints: Does Total Expenditure Respond to an Exogenous Shock to Credit?".
3. okt. 2008,
kl. 13.00
Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen: "Optimal fiscal barriers to international economic integration in the presence of tax havens".
26. sept. 2008,
kl. 13.00
Philipp Schröder, University of Aarhus: "Globalization beyond partitioning".
12. sept. 2008,
kl. 13.00-14.15
Michael Bergman: "Currency Crises and Monetary Policy in an Economy with Credit Constraints: The No Interest Parity Case".
5. sept. 2008,
kl. 12.30
Ingmar Schumacher, Catholic University of Louvain: "The Role of Uncertainty and Insurance in Endogenous Climate Change".
29. aug. 2008,
kl. 13.00
Zvi Hercowitz, Tel-Aviv University
27. juni 2008,
kl. 13.00
Skatteministeriet, Skatternes Økonomiske Virkning – Analyser ved brug af STØV-modellen
20. juni 2008,
kl. 11.00
Lars Ljungqvist, Stockholm School of Economics:"The Missing Swedish Skill Premium: Sweden versus the United States 1970-2002"
6. juni 2008,
kl. 13.00
Ingo Geishecker,Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen: TBA
30. maj 2008,
kl. 13.00
Jacob Weisdorf, University of Copenhagen: The Simplest Unified Growth Theory
23. maj 2008,
kl. 13.00
Ronald Wendner, University of Graz: "Finite Horizon, Externalities, and Growth".
16. maj 2008,
kl. 13.00