Økonomisk Eksploratorium #17 on Microeconomic Theory

What is statistical discrimination? Can unreliable certificates incentivize firms to follow the ethical norms? Is it always better when the market is more competitive? When is market signaling credible and when does it break down?
At the fall semester’s first Økonomisk Eksploratorium, we’ll try to answer these questions and you’ll meet Julia Salmi, Mogens Fosgerau, Egor Starkov and Peter Norman Sørensen for presentations and discussions. As we can finally meet in person again, Økonomisk Eksploratorium is back on the third floor at Department of Economics with coffee and cake as well.
Everyone with an interest in economics is welcome.
Together with Politrådet, Department of Economics arrange a couple of these events each semester in order to give students a chance to get a glimpse of current research at the Department of Economics. Økonomisk Eksploratorium is open for everybody with an interest in economics.