6. aug. - 9. aug. 2024 Nordic Summer Symposium in Macroeconomics 2024 16th Nordic Summer Symposium in Macroeconomics, 6-9 August 2024 in Snekkersten, Denmark.
3. maj - 4. maj 2023 Zeuthen Workshop on Child Health and Public Policy Professor Janet from Princeton University Currie will give three lectures on “Economics of Children”
21. april 2023, kl. 13.30-17.00 (I-MPC) International - Macro People of Copenhagen (Spring 2023) Macroeconomics Workshop, arranged by Department of Economics and Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI), University of Copenhagen.
7. sept. - 8. sept. 2021 Zeuthen Workshop 2021 Arranged by Niels Johannesen og Claus Thustrup Kreiner.
9. dec. 2020, kl. 9.00-16.00 Applied Economics Virtual End-of-Semester Workshop 2020 Applied Economics Virtual End-of-Semester Workshop 2020 - arranged by the Department of Economics
19. nov. 2020, kl. 14.00-18.00 Women in Economics – Status quo and ways forward Event organized by the network WinE-DK Women in Economics Denmark.
8. okt. 2020 DFI Annual Conference 2020 The Danish Finance Institute will host its third annual conference on Thursday October 8, 2020 at the University of Copenhagen.
28. nov. - 29. nov. 2019 Danish Society for Economic and Social History Arranged by Casper Worm Hansen(University of Copenhagen) and Paul Sharp (University of Southern Denmark)
12. sept. - 13. sept. 2019 IZA/UCPH Workshop Please find link to the full program for the IZA/UCPH Workshop
16. aug. 2019, kl. 9.15-17.15 Mismatch, Matching and the Allocation of Workers to Jobs Workshop arranged by Nikolaj A. Harmon
5. okt. 2018, kl. 16.00-17.30 Book release: Economics for the Common Good, Jean Tirole A public meeting to celebrate the recent release of Economics for the Common Good, Princeton University Press, by Jean Tirole, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics.
4. okt. - 5. okt. 2018 International Workshop: Frontiers in Climate Change Economics International workshop on directed technical change and climate policy, international aspects of the economics of climate change and climate policy, tipping points, and fundamental uncertainty.
27. juni - 28. juni 2018 Workshop on Endogenous Institutions in Social Dilemmas Arranged by Thomas Markussen. Keynote speakers are Louis Putterman from Brown University and Arno Riedl from Maastricht University.
5. marts - 6. marts 2018 Zeuthen Lectures 2018 Zeuthen Lectures 2018: Markus K. Brunnermeier: "The International Financial and Monetary Architecture"
10. nov. - 11. nov. 2017 UCPH Conference: "Field Days 2017" UCPH Conference: "Field days 2017", arranged by Steffen Altmann and Alexander Sebald.
27. okt. - 28. okt. 2017 Workshop on tax evasion, tax avoidance and inequality Workshop arranged by Niels Johannesen.
22. juni - 23. juni 2017 EPRN conference 2017 Economic Policy Research Network Conference 2017. Conference arranged by Economic Policy Research Network.
1. juni - 3. juni 2016 European Research Workshop in International Trade (ERWIT) "European Research Workshop in International Trade (ERWIT)". Conference arranged by: Centre for Economic Policy Research, University of Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Business School.
5. dec. 2014, kl. 8.30 "Financing the Future": International conference in honour of Niels Thygesen International conference in honour of Niels Thygesen: "FINANCING THE FUTURE" - Analytical and policy challenges in Europe, China and in an interdependent world.
8. sept. - 10. sept. 2013 Conference: "Recent developments in Bootstrap methods for time series data" DFF-Advanced Grant research project (Rahbek)
14. juni 2013, kl. 9.00 EPRN conference EPRN conference - "Economic Outcomes Across Generations and the Nature of Nurture Debate"
14. juni 2012, kl. 12.00 EPRN conference: "Education and Challenges for Fiscal Policy in EU and the US" EPRN conference
8. sept. - 10. sept. 2011 European Trade Study Group (ETSG) conference Department of Economics and CBS are hosting the annual ETSG conference September 8th-10th
17. juni - 18. juni 2011 Research Workshop: "Stabilization Policies", 17-18 June 2011 Research workshop
16. juni - 17. juni 2011 EPRN conference: "UDFORDRINGER FOR DANSK ØKONOMI", June 16 and 17, 2011 EPRN conference
13. dec. 2010, kl. 9.00 Nykredit Symposium 2010 on Financial Stability and Future Financial Regulation …
19. juni 2009, kl. 9.00-12.00 EPRN Netværks konference, Økonomisk Politik i Danmark: "Economic Policy in the Modern Welfarestate" EPRN konference
5. dec. - 6. dec. 2008 Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 50 years: "Workshop on Economic Theory 2008" ØI workshop
14. nov. - 15. nov. 2008 3rd Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics. CEE conference
7. nov. 2008, kl. 9.00 Workshop: "Land and Labour Productivity in Pre-Industrial Agriculture". ØI workshop