CEBI Highlights 2022

Publications in top academic journals
27 new research articles by CEBI members at UCPH were published or accepted for publication in 2022. This includes articles in top general purpose journals (e.g., Review of Economic Studies), in top field journals (e.g., American Economic Journal: Applied Economics), in the top outlet for featured articles (Journal of Economic Perspectives), in top outlets of other disciplines (e.g., Journal of Finance), and in the top general science journal PNAS. One of these articles is coauthored with Stefanie Stantcheva from Harvard and provides new evidence on peoples’ (mis)perceptions about inequality and their fairness views on inequality. One article is coauthored with external CEBI member José Luis-Peydró and documents how softer monetary policy creates inequality through its interaction with household portfolio compositions. One article is coauthored with external members Thomas Epper and Ernst Fehr and finds that preferences predict who commits crime among young men. Another article documents how households self-insure against inequality-generating unemployment shocks.

CEBI research in the Economic Report of the US President
Gender inequality is high on the policy agenda in many countries. This year, the “Economic Report of the President” (of the United States) includes a description of CEBI research on gender inequality. Empirical evidence by Jakob Søgaard and external member Henrik Kleven demonstrates that the majority of the remaining earnings gap between men and women is related to children. Earnings of women drop immediately upon birth of their first child and remain 20-30% lower, even 10 years after childbirth, while men are unaffected. This work received the best paper award from the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics in 2020. The original results for Denmark have been replicated for other countries as shown in the Zeuthen lectures given by Henrik Kleven and organized by CEBI in 2021.These lectures are also cited in the presidential report which, in addition, cites work by Jeppe Druedahl, Mette Ejrnæs and Thomas Jørgensen showing that earmarked parental leave has positive effects on labor supply and earnings of mothers.

CEBI research presented at OECD Global Forum
CEBI researcher Niels Johannesen is an expert on tax evasion behavior. He has, for example, published research in the American Economic Review documenting large evasion rates among the wealthiest individuals using information on wealth hidden away in tax havens. In 2022, he was invited to talk at the OECD Global Forum plenary meeting about his research, including ongoing work about the effectiveness of a new international disclosure policy to combat offshore tax evasion.

TED talk by Christina Gravert
Christina Gravert gave one of the popular TED talks in 2022. Christina talked about bad decision-making processes in everyday business and the need to make testing and evidence-gathering a fundamental part of public and private sector cultures. So far, her talk has been viewed 35k times.

Export of data infrastructure
CEBI is renowned for research that breaks new ground by using unique combinations of data. Claus Kreiner was invited by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research to talk about a blueprint for data construction at the opening event of the Austrian Micro Data Center für die Forschung.

Research presentations at top places
CEBI members gave 143 presentations in 2022. This includes keynote lectures at workshops by N. Meltem Daysal, Claus Kreiner and Torben Heien Nielsen, presentations at the NBER Summer Institute by Miriam Wüst and at the CEPR Annual Public Policy Symposium by Johan Sæverud and seminar presentations at Georg Mason University by Pol Campos-Mercade and at University College London by Claus Kreiner.

CEBI research in the media
Both Danish and international medias are interested in CEBI research. For example, new results on the association between preferences and youth crime were featured on the front page of Politiken on February 16th, while new results on what people expect about economic development and the big differences in expectations between economic experts and laypeople were featured in the opinion section of the New York Times on April 6th. Postdoc Johan Sæverud was interviewed by the French television channel TF1 about pension policy and retirement behavior in Denmark, while Postdoc Ida Lykke Kristiansen presented her research on health inequality and health treatment in the program Deadline on the Danish television station DR2.

NBER TAPES organized by CEBI
CEBI members were involved in organizing 11 conferences and workshops. This included the NBER TAPES 2022. The National Bureau of Economic Research collaborates biannually with a top research institution in Europe to organize a trans-atlantic conference on public policy research. CEBI was selected as the partner for 2022 and the theme for the conference was Economic Behavior and Inequality in line with the CEBI research agenda. NBER president James Poterba participated in the conference in Copenhagen and was a discussant on CEBI research on pension behavior presented by Søren Leth-Petersen. CEBI organized also a broad lecture on Human Quest for Fairness and Equality by external member Ernst Fehr to celebrate that he was appointed to honorary doctorate at UCPH.

Grants and awards to young talents
Jeppe Druedahl and Thomas Jørgensen were talented junior researchers at the inception of CEBI. They have both received tenure and recently received young research leader grants. Jeppe received a Sapere Aude grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark on a project entitled “Modelling economic agents as deep reinforcement learners” and Thomas Jørgensen received a Semper Ardens grant from Carlsbergfondet on a project entitled “Labor supply and inequality within families”. Sarah Zaccagni received the 2021/22 Vaona Prize for her Ph.D thesis, Frederik Lyngse received a Best Paper Award at the Essen Health Conference, and Johannes Wohlfart received a Best Paper Award from Vienna University.

For CEBI Highlights in PDF Format, see below.

CEBI Highlights 2022 (English version) 

CEBI Højdepunkter 2022 (Danish version)