Research Centres
We develop research centres as an integrated part of the Department. This is to focus research efforts and to contribute to the Department's aim to be at the European research frontier in selected fields.
AE is a group of researchers at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, who work on applied economic topics within trade, growth, history, micro, and urban.
The main goal of the research unit Behavioral Economics and Labor Market Performance is to exploit new insights from psychology and behavioral economics to improve labor market prospects of individuals, functioning of labor market policy and overall labor market performance.
As CCE researchers we are interested in structural micro-econometrics and computational economics. We focus on the computational challenges in economics generally, but particular emphasis is paid to research on structural estimation of dynamic games and dynamic programming models.
Centre for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) studies the role of behavior in generating inequality and the underlying sources of behavioral inequality. We exploit the globally unique Danish data research infrastructure to combine population administrative registers on individuals’ choices and outcomes with information about their behavioral characteristics obtained from large-scale controlled experiments and large-scale surveys.
Centre for Experimental Economics (CEE) uses experiments as an important tool of research in economics. Experiments serve to analyze a broad range of economic decisions. Participants in an experiment may, for example, buy and sell a good on a market or make investment decisions.
SODAS is Faculty of Social Sciences' integration of digital data (sometimes collectively known as big data) with social scientific modes of enquiry. This inter-departmental center has co-PIs from all five departments of the faculty.
DERG-researchers focus on development theory and policy in general, as well as specific issues in developing countries.
ETMU studies econometric and statistical theory and methods with emphasis on applications in economics and finance. This includes, in particular, the development of new or improved methods and the underlying theory in areas such as financial econometrics, macroeconometrics, climate econometrics, and microeconometrics.
EPRU's main research fields are public economics, macroeconomic theory and policy, and international economic policy.
The FRU research group brings together people with interests in finance (economists, mathematicians, econometricians and financial practitioners) to promote financial research.
In the Macroeconomics Research Group, we conduct research within all macroeconomic areas from theoretical and empirical perspectives. This includes business cycles and stabilization policies, consumption-saving behavior, labor markets, firm dynamics, international macroeconomics, information and expectations, and computational methods.
The aim of MRU is to facilitate communication and corporation between members of the unit and establish common research themes. The main activities of MRU are seminars, workshops, coordination and development of teaching in microeconomics and coordination of applications for external funding.