Meltem Daysal, Odensen Universitet

"Spillover Effects of Early-Life Medical Interventions"


We investigate the spillover effects of early-life medical treatments on the treated children and their families. We use a regression discontinuity design that exploits changes in medical treatments across the very low birth weight (VLBW) cutoff. Using administrative data from Denmark, we find improvements in the short-term mental health of the mothers and in the 9th grade test scores of the siblings of children slightly below the VLBW cutoff. Our results suggest that focal child survival and health are both drivers of the improvement in maternal mental health, and that the sibling test score spillovers are due to improved interactions within the family and to parental
compensating behavior.

Keywords: Medical care, birth, children, schooling, spillovers
JEL Classifications: I11, I12, I18, I21, J13

Contact person: Christian Schultz