EARN Workshop on Integration
We are happy to announce the first EARN Workshop on Integration. The workshop will take place 12 - 13 June 2019 at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen and is part of the five-year research program EARN (Economic Assimilation Research Network) funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark.
Dominik Hangartner (ETH Zurich, LSE)
Invited speakers
Francesco Fasani (QMUL)
Tommaso Frattini (U Milan)
Matti Sarvimäki (Aalto U)
The researchers in the EARN program are Iben Bolvig (VIVE), Jacob Nielsen Arendt (RFF), Linea Hasager (U Cph) and Mette Foged (U Cph) and a scientific advisory group including Giovanni Peri (UC Davis), Oddbjørn Raaum (Frisch) and Torben Tranæs (VIVE), who will also participate in the workshop.