IMPACT 14.12.2021 Pol Campos-Mercade in committee with Spanish government Pol Campos-Mercade participates in Spanish committee on experimenting, designing, implementing and…
COVID-19 14.12.2021 Estimation of covid-19 transmission rates Frederik Plesner Lyngse in Nature communications: Increased transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 lineage…
NEW GRANT 09.12.2021 Consumer behavior and uncertainty during crisis The Carlsberg Foundation grants Michael Bergman funds to solve the link between crisis expectations…
GREEN TRANSITION 08.12.2021 The transition of the car fleet to zero emission vehicles The IRFD grants Mogens Fosgerau 11.8 mio DKK to solve the question: How do we manage the transition…
Gender equality 08.12.2021 Does earmarked paternity leave shape gender norms? The Carlsberg Foundation has granted Jakob Søgaard 4.5 mio DKK to extend our understanding of…
COVID-19 07.12.2021 Promoting social distancing in a pandemic: Beyond good intentions Sarah Zaccagni and Paolo Falco publish in PLOS ONE
DEN USYNLIGE HÅND 01.12.2021 Jens Erik Wang er årets bedste underviser - igen De studerende har talt gennem indstillinger og evalueringer, og det er både sikkert og vidst, at…
BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS 30.11.2021 Positive effects of nudges – and negative spillovers Nudged policies may cause people to do worse in other domains of their lives.
HEALTH 30.11.2021 Germs in the Family have long term consequences Meltem Daysal: younger siblings' reduction in the likelihood of high school graduation is caused by…
PRIZE 19.11.2021 Prize for best thesis in labour market economics CEBI PhD Camilla Skovbo Christensen is honoured in the Ministry of Employment for her thesis,…
THE CHILD PENALTY 17.11.2021 Jakob Søgaard's research in Goldin's monograph Claudia Goldin traces women's journey to close the gender wage gap in her new monograph and refers…
TOP 5 11.11.2021 Johannes Wohlfart in the Review of Economic Studies Subjective Models of the Macroeconomy: Evidence From Experts and Representative Samples
NEW GRANTS 10.11.2021 27.5 Million from the Rockwool Foundation Nikolaj Harmon, Torben Heien Nielsen, Morten Bennedsen, and Jakob Roland Munch receive research…
Tietgenprisen 2021 05.11.2021 SODAS-forskere vinder Tietgenprisen 2021 Tietgenprisen går i år til to forskere med tilknytning til SODAS: Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen og Laura…
Ulighed 01.11.2021 Kløften mellem rig og fattig vokser Den økonomiske skævvridning vokser internt i mange lande, og kløften mellem verdens rige og fattige…
INEQUALITY 01.11.2021 The gulf between rich and poor is increasing The economic inequality is decreasing on a global scale, and the gulf between rich and poor is…
26.10.2021 Niels Johannesen's’ paper downloaded 90.000 times Elite Capture of Foreign Aid: Evidence from Offshore Bank Accounts” by CEBI member Niels Johannesen…
Kønsbalance 21.10.2021 Kvinder i bestyrelser: Det bliver i familien Kvinder med familiære bånd til siddende bestyrelsesmedlemmer og direktører har mere end dobbelt så…
Bevilling 20.10.2021 Nyt projekt kortlægger ulovlig minedrift og global miljøkriminalitet Med små 12 mio. kroner fra DFF vil forskere fra Københavns Universitet undersøge, hvordan mineraler…
Klimaforskerne 13.10.2021 Klimaforskning: Én procent gør en verden til forskel Frikk Nesje og hans kolleger har skabt international opmærksomhed ved at bygge bro i debatten om,…